(CRC) Composite Reel Company, LLCProlite-os"TM" series Pliers; The Game Changer. Over the years I have forged friendships with many very important people within the sport fishing industry. These people have been the tipping point for the products that become the next big thing in the tackle world. These products are the type of gear that make us lie, cheat and steal our way to ownership. This little piece of equipment is the future of fishing tools.
Best Fishing Pliers. Must have fishing gear. Top of the line fishing pliers. The story
I was recently introduced to a brand new product that just hit the market. CRC's or Composite Reel Company's carbon-fiber composite pliers called The Prolite-os"TM" Pliers. Allow me to explain what makes this tool so special: they are made of a proprietary carbon fiber; this allows them to become one of the lightest weight fishing pliers on the market. They are corrosion free and will stand up to even the worst of saltwater conditions that Poseidon and the rest of the sea gods could throw at us. They are so featherweight, you will not even know that they are clipped to your side. When the time comes to put them into action they always will preform above and beyond the call of duty.

These are absolutly the best fishing pliers on the market.
We here at the Eastcoast Angler feel that the Prolite-os"TM" are the best new fishing pliers on the market. And that reason is their genetic makeup, their substantive technology: carbon fiber, my friends. Carbon fiber is the future of where fishing tools are headed and Composite Reel Company is at the forefront. Carbon fiber is a futuristic material that can be found in many emerging applications, from Lamborghini car bodies to the wings of a Boeing 787. This material not only looks good, but is extremely functional, due to it's light weight and immense strength. They are rated as the best fishing pliers on the market. The are the must have fishing pliers for any fisherman.
Prolite-os"TM" description
A new lightweight, corrosion free, 7 1/2", proprietary carbon fiber composite pliers, weighing 4¼ ounces is now available for anglers. The pliers are manufactured with 300 series stainless steel tips, bushing, spring, screws and grommets. The self adjusting cutter, located on the "fish" logo side of the pliers, and anvil are made of Tungsten Carbide. This provides clean cutting of various size braids, in addition to other materials. The easily replaceable cutter and anvil are secured with stainless steel screws and include crimping teeth and a groove for sleeves. The tip of the pliers easily grab lightweight braid and monofilament line. Included with the pliers are a lanyard and sheath. Optional heavy duty sheath available. Pliers & lanyard also sold separately. See
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click here for more details. PATENT PENDING Top of the line