We enjoy receiving mail from our readers. We often will publish articles from our friends as guest authors. Like anyone else, we dig free stuff and will write a review on your products in exchange ... that is, if they pass our tough standards. We will occasionally link out to other sites with great content.
Email us with your fishing stories, photos, comments and suggestions.
Email the Chief Angler
The East Coast Angler is a blog about fly fishing, conventional fishing, fishing gear, fishing spots and fish art ... and on occasion, anything else that needs discussing. I’ll use satire, anecdotes, pop culture references, sarcasm, fact, fantasy, memoirs and any other device I feel necessary to get my points across. This blog occasionally features guest authors and experts in the fish world.
Fellow frenzied fish freaks, welcome home. Welcome home. If you are looking to find the finest fishing locations along the East Coast, this blog is for you. I will try to satisfy as many of your fishing cravings as possible via these amazing interwebs. This site is for all of you anglers from the southern shores of New Jersey to the rocky coasts of central Maine, and every fishing hole in between; even those super top secret locales I will only tell a limited few of my buddies about. Whether you like to fly fish or surf cast, you will always find exactly what you need right here at East Coast Angler, come in and wet your line. FISH ON!